BotLucky V5 Released

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Staff Member
Apr 20, 2000
We are excited to announce the release of BotLucky V5!

Over the past year, many users may have noticed a significant decrease in updates for V4 and eventually a lack of support.
We hope with this completely new version of BotLucky, this will separate your experience from V4. We plan to support V5 for the foreseeable future, with a more sustainable model this time around.

Don't worry developers, we plan for scripting support in the future, so please stay tuned for some exciting updates!

If you already have a subscription to V4, head on over to the download page and download the new loader!
If you're new to BotLucky or don't have a subscription, check out the first 20 seconds of this video to get started.

To learn about the differences between Lite and Standard, check out the end of the video!

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